Anybody who has advice for him would be greatly appreciated
Yoshi77777NG [1:30 P.M.]: I am very confused. I have become very close to a special someone in these last few weeks. She just got out of a relationship with this jerk and is really heartbroken. She is really falling for me, but is afraid to feel. She keeps doubting herself. We have everything in common, from the same favorite candy to the same favorite odd music. She is really artsy, like me, and I am really comfortable with her, because I can talk about anything and everything with her for hours, especially life and music. She has written poems about me. I'm more musically inclined, so I composed a melody for her.
This is why I am confused: She acts very loving to me, but later says that she doesn't want to see me for awhile. When I hold her hand, I feel like everything in the world goes away, and that nothing matters. When I hold her in my arms I feel like I have everything I could ever want, ever. The awesome part is that she thinks I am wonderful...except it isn't the right time. We've been good friends for a long time, and only recently have gotten close and I know that if I screw up, we can still be friends because she is very forgiving and loves everyone in general. Still, what I want is to see her more often, but what SHE wants is to see me less (for now) and really, if that is what she wants, that is what I'll give her. Her happiness means just so much to me.
I'll gladly wait for someone so majestic, inside and out. I know that she'll be ready in a few months and it is comforting to know that she'll feel better soon after going through such a rough time. I feel like I definately have a future with this one, because she just means so much more to me than every other previous girlfriend. She has told me that she feels she doesn't deserve me because I am just so sweet, but really I don't deserve her because she is really perfect. There is one thing in particular that really keeps my faith:
She told me: "You will never lose me"
Kind words can keep one warm for only so long, though. But I am strong, and so is she. And if things don't work out, we can be good friends forever. It kills me to know that she is still hurting from her bad relationship and she said it kills her tell me to go away. But I hope. I am REALLY trying to put her before myself.
If this isn't love, I don't know what is.